Most people agree that climate change is happening but that doesn’t make it an easy problem to solve. Plenty of people experience ‘analysis paralysis’ which happens when people get overwhelmed or 'paralyzed' by the size and complexity of a problem. It’s so overwhelming that motivated people end up doing nothing because they don’t know where to start.
At Deane, we think education is as good a place as any to start because it’s a (relatively) small and controllable action but also has the potential to reach (and influence) a lot of people. Our hope is that by giving our staff knowledge, they can share it with their households, their families, and their communities.
In early May, we kicked off the first of our ‘lunch ‘n learn’ Sustainability Talks. This is a series of interactive sessions covering all things “Sustainable”. Our goal is to deliver:
- Highly relatable topics that are relevant to Deane’s Sustainability Strategy.
- Bite-size info - no longer than 45 mins.
- Fun and informative sessions that leave people energised.